
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Can read assets
  • Can search
  • Can read shares
  • Can write shares
  • Can delete object shares

API Links

Sharing Administration API Link

Sharing Administration for individual shares

Shares can be administrated from the collection or the asset that they are created from, this help document describes that functionality. Administrators can also administrate all shares from the Admin Share Management page

iconik create share

Getting the pre-generated share link

If you need to get access to the share link that was generated at the time of sharing you can do this from the Share panel. This can only be done for those links generated at the time of sharing. When you instead use the built-in functionality that will email out the links to recipients, we generate a unique, more-secure link to each recipient and those links can not be retrieved for security reasons.

  1. Visit the Asset Page or the Collection page for the share that you want to administrate.
  2. On the left click the Sharing button to open the Sharing panel.
  3. All the shares will be listed.
  4. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the share expiry date
  5. If a link was generated it will be shown as Share URL.
  6. You can select and copy it.

To Change the Users in a Share

  1. Visit the Asset Page or the Collection page for the share that you want to administrate.
  2. On the left click the Sharing button to open the Sharing panel.
  3. All the shares will be listed.
  4. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the share expiry date.
  5. Here you can see and delete the individual users from the share.
  6. You can also see when they last visited, and how many times the link has been used.

To Change Share Properties.

Note: The one property you cannot change is who the share was shared with. To add additional users, create new shares for those users. There is no limit to the number of shares

  1. Visit the Asset Page or the Collection page for the share that you want to administrate.
  2. On the left click the Sharing button to open the Sharing panel.
  3. All the shares will be listed.
  4. Right-Click or press the three dotted menu next to the share you want to edit
  5. Choose Edit Share
  6. In the Modal Dialog that comes up you can now change the properties you need.
  7. Click .

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