
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin
  • Can delete transcoders
  • Can read transcoders
  • Can write transcoders


RED REDLine Transcoder

The iconik Storage Gateway (ISG) can utilize the Red REDLine transcoder for transcoding Red files which should be installed on the same host as the iconik Storage Gateway.


For the moment please download and use VERSION 55.1.52132 of REDCINE-X PRO

  • macOS: Typically the REDCINE-X PRO installer will add the REDLine binary to path, you can confirm this by opening terminal and typing REDLine if you receive an output that shows your REDline Build number and a set of flags to use with it, then you've confirmed it's added to PATH. If it does not return this then you should add an option to the ISG's config.ini file with a path to the binary. Of particular note, this path should traverse the contents of the REDCINE-X PRO application down to the REDLine binary executable itself, like so:

/Applications/REDCINE-X Professional/REDCINE-X

For macOS redline is included in the REDCINE-X PRO (

  • linux: For Linux systems the user running the ISG must have a home directory in order for REDLine to work. You can either make sure that the REDLine command is made available on the system PATH or add an option to the ISG's config.ini file with a path to the binary:

redline-binary = /change/this/to/the/path

  • Windows: You must have the path to REDLine in the ISG's config.ini like this:

redline-binary = C:\Program Files\REDCINE-X PRO 64-bit\REDline.exe

After installing the transcoding software on the system running your ISG you must also configure the transcoder in iconik using the information found below. When the transcoder setup is complete you can choose it in the ISG's Storage Overview.

Please note that the REDline transcoder can be slow even on well specified hardware, but using OpenCL and hardware that supports OpenCL will help.


  • QT Codec to output - The Quicktime codec used in the output. See the list below or leave blank.
  • Output format - Options are either (note: case sensitive) QT Transcode or Apple ProRes.
  • OpenCL device indexes - The Open CL device - You can add more than one if you have more than one GPU.
  • Include Patterns - The transcoder will only transcode files which contain the (case-sensitive) pattern from this field. Examples:
    • *exclude* (match file/folder with substring exclude)
    • *.mov (match file/folder that ends on .mov)
    • You can also use regular expressions: re:/^.*\.mov$/ (match file/folder with .mov ending)
  • Exclude Patterns - The transcoder will ignore files which contain the (case-sensitive) pattern from this field.
  • Keep redline proxy as asset file - When creating an asset we can associate the Red Proxy file as an additional format on that asset instead of ignoring it.
  • Keep redline proxy as asset file - Will store the proxy that is generated with the asset
  • Storage - Storage for uploading kept proxy
  • Storage Path - The Path used on the storage for keeping the proxy
  • Edit Proxy Local Storage Path - For when the proxy is kept, and wanted on the ISG's storage.

QT codecs:

  • H264
  • H263
  • AVID_1080P_DNxHD_36_8-bit
  • AVID_1080P_DNxHD_115/120_8-bit
  • AVID_1080P_DNxHD_175/185_8-bit
  • AVID_1080P_DNxHD_175/185_10-bit
  • AVID_720P_DNxHD_60/75_8-bit
  • AVID_720P_DNxHD_90/110_8-bit
  • AVID_720P_DNxHD_90/110_10-bit
  • AVID_720P_DNxHD_120/145_8-bit
  • AVID_720P_DNxHD_185/220_8-bit
  • AVID_720P_DNxHD_185/220_10-bit
  • Apple_ProRes_422_HQ
  • Apple_ProRes_422
  • Apple_ProRes_4444
  • Apple_ProRes_422_LT
  • Apple_ProRes_422_Proxy

Using presets

Instead of supplying QT Codec to output and Output format you can use a REDLine export preset.

Add an option to the ISG's config.ini file with the name of the export preset:

redline-export-preset = my_preset

You can also specify an absolute path to a custom preset file:

redline-preset-file = absolute_path_to_my_custom_preset_file

More config.ini options

You can set a custom lut3d file for transcoding.

redline-default-lut3d-file = absolute_path_to_my_custom_lut3d_file

You can enable option to use a related cube file for transcoding.

redline-use-metadata-cube-file-in-proxy = False


If you set the iconik Storage Gateway to debug by setting debug = true in the config.ini file you will be able to see the exact transcode command that the ISG uses to trigger REDLine.

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