
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Admin
  • Read storage
  • Write storage
  • Reindex storage

Editing Files Storage

This gives you an overview of the parameters for editing iconik Files Storage, typically used by the iconik Storage Gateway.

General Settings Tab

  • Name - The given name for displaying in iconik
  • Storage Purpose - Purpose for the storage. See Storage Overview for more information.
  • Storage Type - Non-editable.
  • Mount Point - The root storage which ISG will be scanning from.
  • Read - If enabled, iconik will be able to read files on this storage.
  • Write - If enabled iconik will be able to write files to this storage.
  • Delete - If enabled, iconik will be allowed to delete files on this storage. Please note, that if this is set to true, that when an asset is deleted in iconik it will also be removed from this storage upon Purging
  • Direct Transfer Address if you want the ISG to be able to transfer to another ISG over your network you can enter a network or DNS name here. See more information on the ISG Direct Transfers page.

Scan Settings Tab

Scan Settings

  • Enable Scan - You can enable scanning for new files on this storage. A label "SCAN" will be visible next to the storage in the list. Click on SCAN to scan through the cloud storage and add the new files to iconik.
  • Scan Directories - If you added a path here it will be used as the root point for scanning. You can optionally add as many as you wish.
  • Allow Access Outside Scan Directories - Enable this if you want ISG to be allowed to read and write files outside of the listed Scan directories (Useful for some transfers or API integrations).
  • Scan Interval - to change how often the ISG looks for new and updated files in the file system. Default is 5 seconds.
  • Growing Files Threshold - For configuring how long the ISG will wait while a file updates in the file system before reading it.


  • Ignore Files Patterns - The ISG will ignore to scan the files which contain the pattern from this field. Examples:
    • *exclude* (match file/folder with substring exclude)
    • *.pdf (match file/folder that ends on .pdf)
    • You can also use regular expressions: re:/^.*\.png$/ (match file/folder with .png ending)
  • Include Files Patterns - The ISG will only scan the files that match the pattern from this field. Examples:
    • *include* (match file with substring include)
    • *.pdf (match file that ends on .pdf)
    • You can also use regular expressions: re:/^.*\.png$/ (match file with .png ending)
  • Consider identical files the same - Compares the checksum of the file found to all files in iconik, if it matches it will create a new file entry for the file on the existing asset.
  • Include file extension in title - If enabled titles will include the file extension.
  • Filename is external id - Will populate the external ID field on the asset with the filename of the file.
  • Asset Versions Suffix - Suffix to use for creating new versions of existing assets. Default is _v#.
  • Auto-version files - If enabled the ISG will create new versions of existing assets if the file changes in size.
    • The ISG must have checksum calculation turned on in the config.ini file. It's turned on by default.
    • A copy must be present of the previous file version in order for new version to be created.
    • Any non-original format will be moved to the latest version except edit proxies.
    • Auto-version works only with original format files.
  • Auto-version Ignore Patterns - The ISG will avoid adding new versions for the files which contain the pattern from this field.
  • Auto-version ingest throttle - Minimum amount of time to wait before new version is created in order to avoid new versions on frequent file change. Default: 60 seconds
  • Sidecar metadata required - Requires that a sidecar file is present to import a file for iconik Storage Gateway Storages.
  • Sidecar metadata view - The Metadata View that is used to show the sidecar metadata.
  • Metadata Conversion Url - The (Optional) URL to be called for metadata translation for the sidecar metadata.
  • Headers - The (Optional) Headers to be sent to the above URL.
  • ACL Template - The ACL Template that will be used to set permissions on assets created from files on this storage.
  • Group Access - The User Group that will be given access to the assets created from files find during scanning.


  • Collection Directory Mapping - When enabled this will create a collections that map the directories on the file system.
  • Prioritized Directories - When set all new ingest jobs from a directory receive custom priority.
  • Folder Name Tags Metadata View - This will map the folder name into a metadata tags in the metadata view defined. Choose the metadata view with a tags field in it.
  • Folder name tags metadata view field name - (shown when a tag field is found in a metadata view selected by Folder Name Tags Metadata View ).

Transcode Settings Tab

Transcode Settings

  • Local Keyframe Creation - If enabled, creates the keyframe locally instead of in the cloud. Requires that the local proxy creation is enabled and that there exists at least one local transcoder.
  • Local Proxy Creation - If enabled, creates the proxy locally instead of in the cloud. Requires that the local keyframe creation is enabled and that there exists at least one local transcoder.
  • Transcode Exclude Patterns - The ISG will not transcode files which contain the pattern from this field.
  • Transcode Include Patterns - The ISG will only transcode files which contain the pattern from this field.


Here you can add the ability for this storage to utilize the transcoders you have defined.

To add transcoders, select the transcoder from the list and click to continue. You should add only local transcoder profiles to ISG storages

To remove a transcoder click the trash icon next to it.

ACLs Tab

The ACLs tab for storage defines who is allowed to use the storage. You can add individual users or groups of users, and the interface uses the same mechanism as adding Access Controls to Assets

Upload Storage

  • Upload Storage - Configure a cloud storage that will be used as the default destination for all transfers from this Files storage
  • Path - Path on the upload storage used for the destination of transfers
  • Don't Upload Patterns - Patterns for files to skip auto-upload (e.g *.tmp)
  • Automatically Upload Original Files - Configure so that it will upload a copy of the original files on to cloud storage.
  • Skip uploading originals already in iconik - Skip uploading Original to Upload Storage if a copy can be found on another remote storage in iconik.


System Info

Shows information about the ISG that is running.

Error Log

This shows the latest Error logs that have been uploaded from the iconik Storage Gateway

Log Lines

Shows the latest log lines that the iconik Storage Gateway has produced.

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