System Share Settings

iconik lets you choose how your users can share and what settings they can change when they share from iconik.

iconik system share settings

Changes made to the functionality of sharing only apply to shares created after the change (with the exception of Allowing external Share).

Changing settings

  1. Click on ADMIN in the top navigation.
  2. Choose Share Management from the left navigation bar.
  3. This will show the Share Management overview page.
  4. Click on System Share Management
  5. Change the settings you wish.
  6. Click to update the settings.

Settings administration

iconik system share settings row

Each share setting has the following controls:

  • Toggle - on whether it's allowed by default.
  • Yes - Can be modified by the user when they are sharing
  • No - Can not be modified from the default.

For examples, if you wish that no user can send out a share that allows download, Toggle "Allow download" to off, then set "Can be modified when sharing" to "No".


These are the settings that define what the end user, the share recipient, will be allowed to do when they access the share

  • Allow download - will let the recipient of the share download the Asset. It will only allow download from assets that have an original on Cloud storage of type "files".
  • Allow download Proxy - will let the recipient download the Proxy version of media assets.
  • Allow upload - If sharing a collection this will let the recipient upload files into that collection.
  • Allow custom actions - allows the use of custom actions by the recipient.
  • Allow comments - will let the user add comments.
  • Approve comments - will let the user approve any comments that are on the asset.
  • View versions - lets the recipient view the version history of assets in the share.
  • Expires after - The default number of days that a share is allowed for until the share links expire, up to a maximum of 5 years. We recommend keeping it as short as you can.
  • View transcriptions - will let the user view transcriptions.
  • Password Required - Force the use of passwords on the share

General Settings

These general settings apply to sharing functionality across the system and can not be modified by your users' when creating shares.

Allow external Share

You can global disallow sending out shares to users that do not have an account in iconik. This will completely disable external sharing, and you should tell your users that the documentation in help around sharing will only be for internal iconik users.

Search for users on share pages

Permits users when they are creating a share to toggles the user search feature for comment mentions within a share page. Setting this to off will make sure that share recipients can not search for internal users by name when commenting.

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