
These are the roles that are needed:

  • Can_create_assets
  • Can_create_formats
  • Can_write_files
  • Web_can_upload


Please read through the following documentation to understand how to upload assets.


Uploading is one possible way to get new files into the system, and once done your files become managed assets in iconik. The uploader is available either from the main upload tab or from different sections of the application for different use cases.

Our uploader is contextual, it understands whether you are just trying to upload new files, or whether you want to add new versions of an asset, upload subtitles/captions, proxy files and new formats to existing assets. On top of that you can also upload into collections For some of the use cases for these please see the additional document under Asset files administration

How to do a basic upload.

To upload:

Uploader of iconik

  1. Choose UPLOAD from the main navigation
  2. If this is the first time that you have uploaded you will be presented with the empty upload window.
  3. You can choose to Drag files from your computer into the middle of the window or click on CHOOSE FILES OR DRAG HERE and choose the files using your web-browsers file open dialog.
  4. You can drag or choose one or more files to upload.
  5. Once you have added your files they will show up as rows.
    • To remove a file before it is uploaded, click on the menu dots to the right and choose Remove
    • You can also add metadata before the file is uploaded.
  6. Check if correct storage is selected in bottom right corner. If not, select the correct storage place.
  7. If the administrator has required that metadata has to be entered on upload you will see a Metadata Form appear.
  8. When you are ready, click to start the upload process.
  9. When uploading you will get a progress bar for each file as it uploads.
  10. After the file is finished it will get a green check mark to the left to say it's done.

Once the upload is in progress you can navigate to other areas of iconik and the upload will continue

Uploader Widget

Uploader Widget

The uploader widget is shown in many places through out the iconik interface, and it's use changes depending on where you are in the interface.

Learn more about the uploader widget


Please use the menu on the left to view all the subsections of this help to get information on performing different tasks.

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